1. How much does it cost to have Best Life Ministries come to deliver a conference at our church?

Best Life Ministries receives its payment from the ticket sales. Best Life asks for a minimum number of 35 tickets to be sold, and travel/lodging fees may be applied. 2025’s ticket price is $25.

2. Do you require a minimum number of tickets sold?

We ask that the church works at acquiring a minimum of 35+ conference attendees. If you are a smaller church, we encourage you to partner together with other area churches as an exciting women’s ministry outreach.  Or, feel free to discuss with us, having the conference on a smaller scale.

3. What is the price of tickets?

Our mission is to provide help, hope, and healing, and to encourage women, so we want to make sure that we’re available for women who need us.  For 2025, our ticket price is $25.

4. Is lunch included?

When hosting a one-day event that goes to 2:30p, we ask the church to arrange the lunch. If you’d like to charge attendees for lunch, we recommend you have a “meal ticket” fee or ask church members to donate food, or take a free will offering for this . Many churches have an off site lunch hour, and it is up to the attendee to provide their own lunch.

5. What is recommended for lunch/refreshments?

We recommend that the host church provides morning coffee & some breakfast item(s). Typically, event lunch items have included items like sandwiches, salads, and soups. Desserts, especially those of the chocolate variety, are always welcome at women’s events!  With more individuals having food allergies, we recommend that you offer something gluten free, or ask those registering to bring their own lunch if they have food sensitivities.

6. What steps does our church have to take to have a conference?

You can contact our office at (320) 316-3338 or email [email protected] and we will walk you through the steps of bringing this encouraging conference to your location.

7. What does a normal schedule look like for the conference?

Please see conference schedule for an example.

8. What denomination is Best Life Ministries?

We are a non-denominational organization. Please see our Statement of Faith for a full view of our theology.

9. How many people are on the Best Life Ministries team?

To have a full conference delivered at your location, we bring approximately 2-3 session speakers,  a worship leader, and administrative staff , for a total of approximately 5-6 people.

10. How does Best Life help benefit us as a church?

At Best Life Ministries, we see the needs of the women today and are adamant about providing encouragement through the presentation of the Bible, as well as strong teaching about what God’s Word says to us about today’s relevant topics: Bible study, marriage, balance, health, parenting, forgiveness, overcoming insecurities and addiction.

Not only do we bring help and hope to women’s hearts, but we help partner women with the local church. See our Testimonials page for examples of how the conference has impacted women and the local church.

Women’s ministry teams are strengthened through the event. The men of the church can even participate in supporting and encouraging their women’s ministry with set up and tear down for the event.

11. How far will Best Life travel?

Best Life is committed to serving God where He leads us, and currently we’re set up to facilitate our conference within the Midwest states.  The host church provides lodging and travel expenses agreed upon in our initial discussions.

12. How can I become a speaker for Best Life Ministries?

Best Life Ministries is always expanding our speaker list, and the team of individuals who make up our ministry is extremely important to us. If you are interested in applying to become a speaker for our ministry, please forward your name, email, phone number, speaking topics, speaking experience and two ministry referrals, along with a sample of you speaking to an audience, on dvd format, to Best Life Ministries, PO Box 73, Benson, MN 56215. We will connect with you within 7 business days to discuss if there are any available openings, or if we wish to set up an interview with you.

13.  Does Best Life Ministries issue refunds?

Best Life Ministries is unable to issue refunds, so please make sure when you purchase a ticket, that you are certain you can attend.  If not, we encourage you to donate that ticket to a friend or family member who will benefit from attending.

14.  Does Best Life Ministries have partial day pricing?

Best Life does not issue partial day pricing.

15.  Will Best Life Ministries create posters for us or can we create our own?

Best Life Ministries works diligently to deliver a quality conference, and along with that we strive to provide a high level of excellence in what we create for our media use.  We have an on-staff graphics team that work hard with our photographers, videographers, and Executive Director to create our brand for our conference year’s theme.  Our team uses the same advertising throughout the year, and will tailor it to your location. We provide you with the following:  posters in various sizes at your request (5×7 and/or 8.5×11), tickets (when applicable), and a media slide. We will provide a sample bulletin insert (for your church to print).  Our policy is to provide you with this service so you will not need to create your own. However, if you require a large amount, Best Life will have you print at a quality printers, or we can print more for you and will bill the church.    We utilize our own media and graphics for each event.

If you need anything other than what we provide as listed above, our graphic’s team will be able to assist you at an hourly rate that will be charged to the Host Church.  Payment due day of event.

16.  Does Best Life Ministries have scholarships available for their events?

Best Life Ministries does not offer scholarships because of our low ticket pricing.  Instead we recommend that the Host Church provides opportunities for women to attend through creating their own scholarship opportunities.

17.  Can our women’s ministry receive free tickets since we are volunteering?

Unfortunately, we do not offer free tickets for our events.  Our low ticket price makes it affordable for anyone, and as a Host Church, your  responsibility will be to advertise, sell tickets, and encourage people from your congregation and the surrounding communities to come.  Part of hosting a Best Life event will be utilizing volunteers, but the unique element of our ministry is that we bring speakers, worship, and a complete conference to your location.

18.  Can I have a booth set up for my products or business at your events?

We’re sorry, but Best Life Ministries does not allow exhibition booths at our conferences.

19.  I decided I don’t like the merchandise I purchased at the event.  Can I return it?

We’re sorry but Best Life Ministries has a no return/no exchange policy.  Please choose carefully.

20.We would like to have more than 3 speakers at our event.

Best Life Ministries conference in a box  no longer offers break out workshop classes with more than 3 speakers.  We provide 2-3 speakers to the entire group.

21. Are you connected to Joel Osteen Ministries?

We are in no way affiliated with Joel Osteen Ministries. After much prayer and seeking God, our Executive Director was led to our key verse, John 10:10, “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”  We believe at Best Life, that it’s not about your physical condition, but your spiritual and living out the best life you can to follow Jesus as your Savior.

22. Who do you answer to?

Our ministry is set up as a 501C3 and we answer to a Godly Board of Directors.